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File Created: 25-Aug-1999 by Janet M. Riddell (JMR)
Last Edit:  25-Aug-1999 by Janet M. Riddell (JMR)

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Name BLAZE, JAN 1-4, DANO Mining Division Skeena
BCGS Map 093D024
Status Showing NTS Map 093D03W, 093D06W
Latitude 052º 13' 14'' UTM 09 (NAD 83)
Longitude 127º 17' 33'' Northing 5786943
Easting 616640
Commodities Molybdenum, Copper Deposit Types
Tectonic Belt Coast Crystalline Terrane Plutonic Rocks
Capsule Geology

The Blaze property is located on the south side of Burke Channel, 40 kilometres west southwest of Bella Coola.

Molybdenite lies within an easterly trending Miocene granite-syenite pluton approximately 45 kilometres long and 6 kilometres wide.

Sparse molybdenite and chalcopyrite occur in a talus fan in the central part of the property. Granite exposed in the vicinity of this occurrence is cut by closer spaced fractures than elsewhere on the property, and shows weak limonite and manganese stain. Molybdenite in this talus occurs along joints and fractures cutting relatively unaltered sub-porphyritic granite, locally accompanied by quartz, pyrite and chalcopyrite. The source area for this talus is situated on an inaccessible cliff at an elevation between 460 and 550 metres. Granite in the vicinity of the mineralized talus is locally cut by widespread narrow quartz-magnetite steeply dipping veinlets, with a average spacing of one veinlet per 3 centimetres. A few minor occurrences of molybdenite, chalcopyrite and sphalerite were recorded elsewhere on the property. High values of molybdenum, lead and zinc were recorded in several stream sediment and talus fine samples collected on the property.

In 1979 a program of geological mapping and geochemical sampling was completed by BP Minerals Limited as part of an option agreement with Cusac Industries Limited. In 1980 BP Minerals diamond drilled 458.5 metres in two holes under the talus pile. Only rare trace molybdenum was found in the core. The claims were forfeited in the early 1990s.

The property is underlain largely by granite which is in contact with grey biotite granodiorite near the southern property boundary. The granite is cut by sparse dikes of fine grained granite, aplite, quartz feldspar porphyry, and fine grained rocks of intermediate composition. It is also cut by several small bodies of intrusive breccia which consist of fragments of fine grained granite in a similar matrix, and of fragmental quartz feldspar porphyry.

The molybdenite may be genetically related to south-southeast trending faults and shear zones which cross the upper part of the cliffs.

EM FIELDWORK 2002, pp. 65-75
EMPR ASS RPT *8474, *8737